video link has been placed on the sermon page.  You may also view it in the email sent out or on Facebook.
To reserve the facilities, contact Linda Owens- 256-508-4729
Choir practice in the Sanctuary every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m.  
Wednesday Evening Bible Study in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m.
Nursery Workers are needed. Please signup downstairs beside the Nursery door. 
Children’s Church is meeting again led by Brother Robert Bramlett. 
Church mailboxes in the hallway on the way to the Fellowship Hall have been updated.  Please check your mailbox.  There are several boxes with Christmas cards still in them.
Alabama State Evangelism Conference

Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham. Sunday, January 26, 6-8 p.m.; Monday, January 2, 8-12 noon.  If you would like to go please let Brother Jeff know.  Worship Leader: Charles Billingsley, Preachers: Phil Waldrip and Tim Dowdy

Seeking Ensemble Singers- Ladies, do you love to sing? We need ladies interested in singing in a new ensemble.  WE currently have enough men but need a few more ladies.  The ensemble will sing special music and at times lead in worship with the choir.  If you are interested or have more questions, please contact Brother Jeff. 

Children’s Workers needed For Wednesdays-We are in need of children’s workers (grades 1-6) who would be available from 7-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights.  We want to play kids worship videos so they can sing, do Bible Drills, and watch Bible lessons videos.  Pray for workers and if God is calling you to this, let Brother Jeff know. 

Men’s Ministry
Saturday Breakfast Fellowship

This Saturday, January 25 at 7:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Ladies, you are invited to this as well as men and youth.  Bring friends and neighbors.  Speaker will be Col. James Hall, Chief of Chaplain Corps (Redstone Arsenal). 

Background Checks

In order to be compliant with Federal Laws, the church must request a background check for each person who volunteers to work with children.  Please see Lorra Zimmerman to complete the form to be submitted to the association. 


 Please remember to pray for our missionaries. 

Balance Class

Balance Class will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday from 1:00-2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Anyone interested is welcome.


The youth, now called Zero Gravity, meets Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the house behind the church.  Grades 7-12.

Children In Action

Children In Action meets every Wednesday in room #7 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.  This is the mission organization for children in grades 1-6.   

 Wallace and Deedra

Remember to pray for our missionary partners.   Let me know if you would like to be on their newsletter mail list.   

Pure Water Pure Love

This ministry helps supply missionaries with water filters, provides villages with wells that provide clean water, and helps fund clean water projects.  We can continue to help too!  Bring your change and dollars and put it in the large water bottle in the sanctuary foyer. 

 Prayer Cards

Please complete a prayer request card from the pew in front of you.  If you would like the Care Team to send a card, please include an address. 

 Welcome Center

Volunteers are needed to help at the Welcome Center before Sunday School and between Sunday School and the Worship Service.  Contact Lorra Zimmerman if you are interested.

Sunday School

If you do not attend Sunday School, you are encouraged to begin attending one of these classes.  We have wonderful teachers and classes for all ages.

Nursery             Linda Owens                               Young Adults     Don Kell

Pre-K-Grade 2   Gwynn Pyle                               Adult II              Sara Rotenberry

Grades 3-6        Karen Reeves                             Adults I             Pat Goble

Grades 7-12      Matt Cantrell                              Men’s Class        Robert Love                                     

Women             Jenny Smith               
